What is you first Childhood memory?
I have vague memories but one that sticks is being at school for the first time (aged 4) seeing the box of sand and cups they had in the classroom.
What food did you hate most as a child?
Really hated eggs as they made me heave.
What food did you most like as a child?
Fish fingers
What was you funniest childhood memory?
Living in flats in Chelsea we had different milk men. One day our Express Dairy milk float and the Co-op one crashed into one another and the two drivers started to fight. Whoever had which milkman cheered them on (until the police arrived).
What did you want to be as a child?
Really wanted to be Superman or Batman.
Your most favourite TV program as a child?
Robinson Crusoe
First childhood crush?
Vicky Bugg (aged 12) couldn't eat for a week, all gooey eyed
First childhood kiss?
Some girl on holiday when I was about 8, family thought it was sweet.
First pet as a child?
Rusty my homosexual mongrol (got him from Battersea dogs home)
Favorite comic?
Topper - always had good free gifts
First movie ever seen at the pictures?
Sound of Music with my aunt
First real day out?
Boys and Girls Exhibition at Olympia. Remember they had a tank we could climb on, Daleks roamed around and Georgie Fame and the Blue Flames was singing Yeh Yeh live. (so it must have been about 1965 and me about 9)
Name some games you played as a child.
Knock down Ginger, Kiss Chase, Squeak Piggy Squeak, L-O-N D-O-N Spells London.
Cubs, Scouts, Boys Brigade, Brownies or Girl Guides?
Cubs and Scouts. Remember I was going out with the Cubs to the Royal Tournament the day that the news that Donald Campbell died in Bluebird (4 January, 1967)
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