Monday, April 17, 2006

Meme from Znethru who ripped it off from...

What do you drink in the morning?

Do you own a pet?
Yes. I cat, 4 guineapigs and 2 rats.

What do you understand by the word ‘equivocal’?
I'm uncertain of it's meaning

Ever borrowed a cup of sugar from your next-door-neighbour?

Favourite Planet?

Worst joke ever told in bed?
Your mama is so fat that when she wanted a water bed, they had to put a cover over the Atlantic Ocean.

Ever been roadraged?
Yes, and I don't drive!

Worst Film of all Time?
Battlefield Earth (2000) Director: Roger Christian Starring: John Travolta

Ginger Nuts; Ginger or Minger?
Love Ginger nuts they dunk well in tea without falling apart

Should life be lived to the full?
Absolutely I never do anything by half.

How important is money?
As long as I have enough to live that is all I need.

What is skiing?
Someone rich going downhill fast

Pretty and witty and gay?
Ellen DeGeneress

What are the most different cheeses you’ve eaten within a 24-hour period?
6. Always have a cheese board for Christmas

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