Sunday, December 04, 2005

Computer Geek Test

Below is a 10 question test to determine whether you are a computer geek. Select the letter matching your answer. Scoring is at the end.

1. A friend opens a magazine full of scantily-clad members of the opposite sex. Do you:
A. Openly Ogle
B. Act Non-Chalant
C. Comment "Gee, that's got to be at least 400 dpi, color!"
D. Crumple up the pages and stuff them in your mouth.

2. You're at the head of a large line in front of a cash-register in a large department store. The register gives a "beep" and stops dead. You:
A. Wait patiently
B. Plant all the stuff you were going to buy in a nearby baby carriage and call the store detective (to while away the time)
C. Break out your ever-present notebook and try to debug the thing
D. I don't know

3. You're shopping for some personal hygiene equipment when the pharmacist runs up saying the prescription database on his 486 is corrupt. You say:
A. What's a prescription database?
B. What's a 486?
C. What's personal hygiene?
D. What was the question again?

4. A friend wants to borrow a CD from you. You
A. Lend it out.
B. Tell them to go buy it.
C. Consult the database to see the status of the CD concerned
D. Sell it to them for a beer.

5. You'd most like to meet:
A. The person who wrote "Gulag Acapeligo"
B. The person who wrote "War and Peace"
C. The person who wrote MS-DOS
D. A person who can write

6. You win a "Shopping Spree" at a local supermarket. You've got one minute to pack a cart with as much stuff as you can. You start:
A. In the Confectionary Lane
B. In the Deli Section
C. At the Pencil Bar
D. At the cash register

7. You've been hit by a car and your life flashes before your eyes. The thing you remember most vividly is:
A. Your Mother's voice as a child
B. Your first Love
C. The ASCII table
D. The tire pressure was maybe a little too high

8. You feel naked without your:
A. Electric Guitar
B. Wallet
C. COBOL reference guide
D. Axe

9. You see someone standing on a ledge, about to jump. You can save them if you say the right thing. You say:
A. I know things are bad, but do you want to talk about it?
B. I feel you just need someone to talk to.
C. Want to come and play on my Pentium 4?
D. I bet you haven't got the guts....

10. No-one understands you like:
A. Your Mother
B. Your Father
C. Your PC
D. Your Parole Officer


Mostly A's:
You're normal. Boring Boring Boring. You're the sort of person who'll just fritter their way through life enjoying themselves and having a good time. Shame on you!

Mostly B's:
You're mostly normal, but not quite....

Mostly C's:
Geek Alert! Break out the pocket protector! With a set of horn rims and a pocket calculator, you're ready for Revenge Part #72. You can be the person that gets beat up all the time.

Mostly D's:
Well, you're a sociopath, pure and simple. Nothing a few decades of therapy couldn't fix, though.

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