Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Easy as Pie

by prydwen

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fineartist said...

Oh dear Lord, producers should consider the effect……?!? Heeeeeeeeeeee.

Seventeen year old boys are NOT normally that stupid. My twenty three year old son has given me a few times when I have thought, hmmm, this kids having a challenging day, week, month, etc. But NEVER have I worried that he would EVER…do what not so bright kid in the magazine did. NOPE.

Hey, is he going to sue the producers of American Pie? The little ding dong sicko…. Yes your honor I was suffering from a huge case of the dumb ass and I……I mean the movie, it, they made me do it.

I live confused.

Wulfweard The White said...

Maybe pies should have some warning on them like ' Could be very hot don't stick your pecker in'

fineartist said...


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