Friday, March 03, 2006

Jay Bennish and freedom of speech.

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Listened today to a the controversial comments made by a US Highschool Geography teacher, Jay Bennish, as he rants and raves about capitalism, U.S. foreign policy and the invasion of Iraq.
The recording made by one of his students is having America divided over what can and cannot be said about US policy and the American President.
In his 21- minute, 40-second recording , Bennish called America "probably the single most violent nation on planet Earth."

Likening Bush's State of the Union speech, to a Nazi Rally, he said the president was, in effect, "threatening the whole planet.""Sounds a lot like the things that Adolf Hitler used to say — we're the only ones who are right, everyone else is backwards."

On U.S. foreign policy and capitalism, he questioned Bush's belief that democracy is the solution to bloodshed in the Middle East.

"Who is probably the single most violent nation on planet Earth?" Bennish asked. "The United States of America, and we're a democracy !"

The teacher has now been suspended from Overland High School nad this has lead to hundreds of pupils to walk out of school in protest as they agree with his thoughts.

The question is we all have differences of opinion on what is right and wrong in our society, but is the class room the best place to spout off personalised opinion? Debate, yes. If a motion was put up where groups of students were asked to side for and against policy, then at least this would be more balanced. But no one man/woman in a position of 'power' should be able to indoctrinate his/her opinion on 'fresh minds'

The worring aspect of all this really is that more and more people in America are standing up and being counted for what they see as a bungling, inept presidentcy, and this isn't limited to America. Here in Britain we are voicing not only concerns about Bush's policies, but even our own. Blair's New Labour government is so sycophantic to US policy it is making us worried if we are already a State of America.

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Nada said...

Yet, the American status quo do not realise that, by suspending and discriminating their "anti-american" citizens are making it easier for the rest of their citizens - and of the world too - to get a clearer idea of what is really going on. I'm glad. They are digging their own grave. Full kudos to Jay Bennish

iAmerican said...

Any true American who watches the above, free video will recognize the fact that Bush committed 9/11 the same as his grandfather's client, Adolf Hitler(Google "Prescott Thyssen Auschwitz"), committed the Reichstag Fire.

Inarguably, Bush is Hitler-redux.

Schoolteacher Jay Bennish is simply putting forward thoughts that any who claim spiritual descent from the Jeffersonian Whig Founders of the United States of America should have been realizing right after they heard GHW Bush's public statement confirming his "inability" to recall his whereabouts upon hearing of President Kennedy's assassination: W's only "qualification" for office.

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